Monday, December 18, 2006

Ground law(s) !:)

Simple to follow:

1. Keep reviews in English
2. Review any movie / pl ay on Earth ( for now. We can expand to pan-galactic reviews later)
3. No probs abt language of movie/play - be it Tutsi,Mongolian,Iroquois(dont think they have movies but who knows? ) or Kannada.:)
4. Avoid expressing too negative a sentiment :) i.e. with choice words that shall not be mentioned :)
5. Keep it humourous - no political/national/regional overtones, please.
6. Comments are welcome,and invited, on any review - but rules 4 and 5 hold there,too.
7. When reviewing, please indicate language, year and name (of the movie,I mean) clearly in the post even if it is titled otherwise.
8. Add a 'Things to watch out for' section whenever possible
9. Movie previews welcome,too
10. No more rules shall be allowed(unless there is a popular uprising)


Chinmay Kulkarni said...

My two cents:

Make this a "Link blog". There's a lot of content out there on the Web that's hard to find, even with Google. If someone can find all the choicest stuff, and link it from one page, it'd be a huge opportunity.

Think with a focus on movie reviews.

kiran said...

true - that can be done ,for sure, but that kinda deracts from our purpose of having a discussion on the reviews...